Friday, 21 October 2011

Goodwin's analysis of My Heart Takes Over

The music video sticks to genre conventions quite closely, but doesn't have a main dance routine this is mainly due to the subdues nature of the song and it being quite slow and solemn, but it is still upbeat enough to facilitate many cuts. There is an amplifying relationship between the lyrics and visuals as the speed of the cuts relates to the speed of the song which prevents the video looking strange this is also helped by the the music and visuals also being an amplifying relationship which makes the music video even more effective. There is also a lot of solo shots of each group member which are mostly close-ups which will meet the demands of the record label, this is very varied to the chorus where there is a lot of full body group shots, which are also filmed from a low angle which gives the girls an air of elegance and power. The video also follows various motifs that have been created through over videos of solo members, then during the chorus, the whole group assembles, also quite a lot of the solo members sections is when they are filmed to the side/ off center of the frame.

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