Thursday, 24 November 2011

Analysis of magazine ad conventions

There are a variety of conventions associated with magazine adverts. This includes:
Having an image or background that has a link with the music video or the album cover. It also needs to include certain bits of information such as the release date of the album which is often displayed in a bold font. Other information that we will need to include is the place of purchase for the album, the artists name and the name of the record label, and positive reviews about the album. We would also need to include tour information and some details of the bonus content within the DigiPak or album that is being advertised. The font on the magazine advert is generally continuous throughout the ad, with the band's name being the only exception.
In order to attract customers, our magazine advert would need to include persuasive and eye catching images and pieces of text. Our genre would need to be reflected in the magazine advert using the font, text, colour and the images.

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