Friday, 18 November 2011

Analysis of a student magazine ad

The group that made this magazine advert met a lot of conventions that are attributed to the genre. They have included the title and image of the artist, which meets the needs of the record label, as well as including important information about the artist, giving a release date, some reviews for the album and a website if people want to find out more. We believe that, although the image is strong, the lack of colour apart from the lipstick makes the whole advert seem dull. Also, with the information in a small font at the bottom of the advert, it gives the impression that it was added as an afterthought and doesn't grab the attention of the audience enough. We think that this magazine advert is lacking some bits of information, such as the production company and record label. it also doesn't include the relevant info for things like the price of the album or where it will be available to buy. the inclusion of the McDonalds logo gives the impression of product placement, but also affects how customers would think of the album because of what McDonalds represents.

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